Sunday, May 1, 2011

The Nightmare

I was once caught in the throes of a nightmare

I tossed and turned and screamed and wept,

But the unmerciful goblin was relentless

And never did let go as I slept

I was once caught in the throes of a nightmare

I dreamt of the fearsome, terrible three

The king of the heavens, the king of the land,

And the king of deep dark sea.

I fled, running away as fast as I could,

Tripping and stumbling in the oppressive dark

But the faster I ran, the closer they came

The eagle, the lion and the shark.

As I ran through the kingdom, I saw

Many a man crying out in fear

And try as I might, their plaintive cries

I couldn’t help but overhear.

The images I saw were horrific,

The images I will forever remember,

Of hard, strong men and women

Falling like felled timber

Fleeing seemed very futile

For my doom was all but fated

I turned around, and as they coiled to spring

closed my eyes and waited

I waited and I waited

As sweat poured through every pore

I waited and I waited

Till I could wait no more

I opened my eyes

Fully expecting to see

The eagle, the lion and the shark

Charging at me

But what I did see

Was not what I did fear

And what I did see

Was my room so dear

And again, I waited

As my heart did drum

I waited, I waited

For the relief that never did come

For while it was true

That the terrible three had held me in thrall,

I had woken up to find the Earth

Being ruled by the most fearsome beast of them all.
